LIU Xiaoqing

Date:19-07-2017   |   【Print】 【close

LIU Xiaoqing


Received Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang,China .

From 2011 to the present working as engineer at the Center of Automotive Electronics, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences. Participated in a number of national, Guangdong and Shenzhen major scientific research projects .

From 2007 to 2011 worked as a Project Manager at Fujian Zhengzong Electric Co., LTD.


Research Interests:

The research interests include the integration of Power System for Electric Vehicle and the vehicle structure.


Intelligent property:

(1) 一种基于轮毂直驱电机的电动汽车悬架系统,ZL201510250395.5,中国刘小青;邓佳;吴正斌;松田笃志

Electric automobile suspension system based on direct drive wheel hub electrical motor, ZL201510250395.5 , Xiaoqing Liu;Jia Deng; Zhengbing Wu;Matsuda Atsushi

(2)电机及具有该电机的电动交通工具, ZL201410215637.2 ,刘益卯;刘小青;邓佳;邓武;杨帅

Motor and electric vehicle having the function of the motor, ZL201410215637 ,Yimao Liu;Xiaoqing Liu;Jia Deng;Wu Deng;Shuai Yang.

(3)一种外转子永磁电机的装配装置, ZL201410856612.0, 邓佳;刘小青;邓武;刘益卯;杨帅;高野正;松田笃志

Assembly device of the wheel hub motor, ZL201410856612.0, 2017.01.25, Jia Deng;Zhengbin Wu;Xiaoqing Liu;Wu Deng;Shuai Yang;Tadashi Takano;Matsuda Atsushi

(4)电动平台 ,201620173349.X , 刘小青;吴正斌;李程宇;邓佳

The Electric platform, 201620173349.X, Xiaoqing Liu;Zhengbin Wu;Chengyu Li;Jia Deng

Tel: 0086-075586392155