Founded in 2011 the center aims to conduct research on Cloud computing, Big data, Intelligent systems and algorithms. It develops big-data-driven applications like public health information system, and transportation logistic information system that are closely tied to the daily lives of millions of urban citizens. By innovating cutting-edge technologies in building secure, reliable, efficient, and energy-efficient cloud environments, the center is becoming a place with world-class academic reputation and key contributions to the advancement of the region and society.
1. Key technology in cloud infrastructure
2. Key technology in big data engine
3. Key technology in intelligence system and algorithms
4. Novel applications including smart city, smart transportation, smart finance and smart home
Title:Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:Wireless Charging;Edge Computing,Indoor Localization
Title:Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:Cloud Computing,Big Data, Network
Title:Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:Big data driven intelligence, resource allocation, multi-robot coordination and cloud robotics
Title:Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:Big data analytics, distributed computing
Title:Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:Database systems, fault tolerant distributed computing, and programming support for parallelism and concurrency.