The electron transfer from CNTs to polyoxometalates reduces the surface charge density of nanotubes, which then weakens the van der Waals forces and suppresses aggregation. Acco...06-07-2023
The researchers modified a previously constructed synthetic oscillator in yeast to acquire a dual responsive oscillator. They validated the system can be synchronized by both pe...05-19-2023
The result was published in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems on May ***.04-18-2023
This study reveals the critical role of the brain-parathyroid-bone axis in maintaining bone metabolism homeostasis. It also provides new ideas for understanding how bone homeost...04-18-2023
"We can tune the structure to an ultra-sensitive state so that it will respond to a minute stimulation as gentle as a touch of a flying bee, while we could also set the structur...04-14-2023