WANG Liang

Date:29-07-2017   |   【Print】 【close

WANG Liang obtained his Ph.D degree in Biomedical Engineering from Wuhan National Laboratory of Optoelectronics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2013. Then he received his postdoctoral training in Khuloud Jaqaman lab at UTSW (Dallas, 2013/10-2014/12) and Jon Cooper lab at Fred Hutch (Seattle, 2014/12-2017/05). 

He has applied fluorescence imaging techniques (such as FRET, FLIM, FRAP, and single molecule imaging) into cell biology research and also developed an optogenetic tool to activate the Dab1 signaling pathway in primary neurons. Currently his interest is to develop biosensors for small metabolites in cells using fluorescent proteins and to develop optogenetic tools to dissect the cellular activities quantitatively