CHEN Liang

Date:04-12-2018   |   【Print】 【close

Title: Associate Professor

Areas of Interest: Cancer signaling pathways


Research interests:

1. Tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis

2. Cell signaling pathway

3. Tumor detection and tumor therapy



Dr. Chen, finished his Ph.D training during 2008-2014, graduate from Cell Biology, College of Life Science, Peking University;2014-2018 did post-doctoral research at Tumor Biology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; 2018.07 to today,work as an Associate Professor of Center for Antibody Drug, Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Research interests:

1. Tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis

2. Cell signaling pathway

3. ER stress and ERAD

4. Tumor detection and tumor therapy


Representative publication

1.         Chen, L., Zhu, G., Johns, M.E., and Yang, X*. (2018). TRIM11 activates the proteasome and promotes overall protein degradation by regulating USP14. Nature communications 9, 1223.

2.         Chen, L., Brewer, M.D., Guo, L., Wang, R., Jiang, P., and Yang, X*. (2017). Enhanced Degradation of Misfolded Proteins Promotes Tumorigenesis. Cell reports 18, 3143-3154.

3.         Chen, L., L. Guo, and Yang, X*. (2017). "Augmented capacity to clear misfolded proteins: An intrinsic characteristic of tumor cells?" Molecular & Cellular Oncology 4(5): e1337548.

4.         Xu, S., Xu, Y., Chen, L., Fang, Q., Song, S., Chen, J., and Teng, J*. (2017). RCN1 suppresses ER stress-induced apoptosis via calcium homeostasis and PERK-CHOP signaling. Oncogenesis 6, e304.

5.         Chen, L. , Xu, S., Xu, Y., Lu, W., Liu, L., Yue, D., Teng, J*., and Chen, J*. (2016). Cab45S promotes cell proliferation through SERCA2b inhibition and Ca2+ signaling. Oncogene 35, 35-46.

6.         Lv, K#., Chen, L#., Li, Y., Li, Z., Zheng, P., Liu, Y., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2015). Trip6 promotes dendritic morphogenesis through dephosphorylated GRIP1-dependent myosin VI and F-actin organization. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 35, 2559-2571. (#co-first author)

7.         Wang, Q#., Shen, B#., Chen, L#., Zheng, P#., Feng, H., Hao, Q., Liu, X., Liu, L., Xu, S., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2015). Extracellular calumenin suppresses ERK1/2 signaling and cell migration by protecting fibulin-1 from MMP-13-mediated proteolysis. Oncogene 34, 1006-1018. (#co-first author)

8.         Chen, L., Xu, S., Liu, L., Wen, X., Xu, Y., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2014). Cab45S inhibits the ER stress-induced IRE1-JNK pathway and apoptosis via GRP78/BiP. Cell death & disease 5, e1219.

9.         Feng, H#., Chen, L#., Wang, Q., Shen, B., Liu, L., Zheng, P., Xu, S., Liu, X., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2013). Calumenin-15 facilitates filopodia formation by promoting TGF-beta superfamily cytokine GDF-15 transcription. Cell death & disease 4, e870. (#co-first author)