Researcher ZHONG Guohua, from Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, established a microscopic picture of the phase structure of KxC18H14 and re...03-06-2018
Recently, a research paper entitledRepopulated microglia are solely derived from the proliferation of residual microglia after acute depletion has been online published in Natur...02-26-2018
A research group led by Dr. RUAN Changshun, Prof. PAN Haobo and Prof. LU William from Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new ...01-31-2018
High-frequency ultrasound imaging ( >20 MHz) has gained widespread attention due to its high spatial resolution being useful for basic cardiovascular and cancer research involvi...01-31-2018
The research group led by Prof. YU Xuefeng from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academic of Science, designed a simple solvothermal strategy to synthesize in...12-28-2017