SIAT delegation visited Germany and Switzerland for carrying out foreign exchange activities.


A new study led by Prof. John Speakman from SIAT and the University of Aberdeen shows that the recommended water intake of eight 8-oz glasses of water per day (around 2 L/day) is too high for our actual need in many situations.


1.Dual Lattice Kerker Effects: Controlling Light Scattering with Incident Polarization and Angle

2.Researchers Discover a New Type of Surface Lattice Resonance

3.Magnetic Field Enhances Generation of Synthetic Biogas

4.Researchers Demonstrate the Spatiotemporal Dynamic Changes in Brain Lipids

5.Teaching AI to Accurately Colorize Marine Plankton Images

6.Researchers Design Soil-inspired Multifunctional Chemical System

7.Synthetic Energy Metabolism Enables Twin Engine for Cell

8.How Much Water Do We Need a Day?

9.Phase Separation of Scaffold Protein Regulates Microbial Asymmetric Cell Division

10.New Strategy Enables Targeted Degradation of Extracellular and Membrane-associated Proteins


Smart Manufacturing Drives China's High-quality Growth


The 3rd English Salon (CAS-PIFI Talk)- Hydrogen for a different world, Prof. Cha from Seoul National University presented a report named "Hydrogen for a different world"


The 4th English Salon (CAS-PIFI Talk)-The Dark Side of the Brain, Prof. Dr. Helmut Kettenmann from Germany, give a talk named "The dark side of the brain"