【Projects】MOST Calls for International Programs & Strategic Innovative Programs in 2020 科技部国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”等重点专项2020年度项目申报指南的通知
Date:24-04-2020 | 【Print】 【close】
Dear All,
Here we forwarded the new calls for international research programs and strategic innovative programs from MOST. The following are some explanations.
In 2020, the project will set up 10 guidelines to support scientific and technological cooperation with 9 countries, regions, international organizations and multilateral cooperation mechanisms, with a total budget of 280 million RMB.
The implementation duration of each program is generally 2-3 years.
The countries and institutions involved are: Australia, Cuba, EU (flagship program and innovation cooperation), Denmark, Italy, Malta, RIKEN, Philippines, and Russia.
35-40 Projects would be supported with a total budget of 65 million RMB. The key areas with Hongkong are biotechnology and AI. The key areas with Taiwan are biomedicine and 5G.
The recommendation deadline in SIAT would be before 10th June, 2020.
For more details: https://service.most.gov.cn/kjjh_tztg_all/20200423/3332.html
International Cooperation Office,Department of Research Management